By Justin Ma, 7x US Junior National Badminton Champion.
Last updated January 8, 2022
3 min read
When you have so many different badminton racket brands to choose from, it can be daunting and challenging to find the best badminton racket. It’s like being lost in a shopping mall filled with your favorite shops – where to look first?
Although there are dozens of badminton racket brands, the best are known to many seasoned players and even novice players, and there are a few little-known gems that can be found at an affordable price.
The price of rackets with high quality and popularity can be quite high. It is important, though, to make sure you get the right racket for your game and style of play even though you are getting a great racket in most cases. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter how much you spend on your racket, your goal is to improve your shots, technique, and score, not to empty your bank account. So don’t go overboard! Check out our article How to Pick a Badminton Racket: 5 Factors to Look For so you know what to look for!
Some of the most popular brands of badminton rackets are Carlton, Karakal, ProKennex, Qiangli, and ProTech. There is a lesser-known brand called Prospeed that will save you significantly. There are advantages and disadvantages to each of these rackets and they are all high-quality rackets. So, let’s take a look!
In the world of badminton, Prospeed is an unknown racket brand that offers high quality at a lower cost than most. This racket is still regarded among its purchasers as a quality racket that has stood the test of time for a reasonable price! Who doesn’t want good value for less money?
For the higher quality rackets they produce, Carlton, however, costs a bit more. Despite its low drag and aerodynamic design, some players prefer this racket for its performance. Every racket has its perk, and this is definitely this one!
You can pick up a Carlton racket here, right on Amazon: Carlton Racket
Karakal, a Belgian company that manufactures badminton rackets for about 28 years, has become very popular among the badminton community. Due to the innovative fusion materials they use, Karakal’s rackets are made to last, ensuring optimum performance. Their rackets are priced reasonably for the quality of the product. Say no more, I am first at the shop door!
Try one of Karakal’s great overgrips: Karakal Racket
Other brands such as Qiangli charge more not only because they have professional endorsements but also because they are so amazing. As professional rackets are often thought of as the best, there is not much more to say about them other than their brand’s incredible reputation and the fact that they have not let a player down once!
The price of these two rackets may not be the best for your wallet even though they are both excellent brands. When purchasing a racket, you should always consider how the racket feels to you and how you believe it may be able to improve your game, rather than just buying a racket because it helped a professional badminton player. They are great rackets, no doubt about that, but are they the best racket for your strengths and weaknesses?
You can find reviews and testimonials about every racket on the market. Reviews of the brands and makers of tennis rackets are available, as well as how well consumers agree with the capabilities of each brand and racket. When you are making your decision about which racket is right for you, all of these factors should be considered.
Do your research and you will find the perfect match!